Sunday, January 15, 2017

blog post about nothing

Do blog posts have to be about anything in particular? Is that some kind of rule? 

I suppose from Day One in school, we're always asking kids, "What are you going to write about?" Not "What are you going to write?" 

"What are you going to write about?"

Well, I'm going to write about nothing. I'm just going to write. Why not?

We get so tangled up in writing about something, doing something, that we forget there's a whole lot of something in nothing.

Take silence for example. How many kinds of silence are there? We tend to want to fill it with a thousand other sounds when, the truth is, there are a thousand kinds of silence.

We want to accomplish goals. We forget to notice the little things along the road to the goal. 

Today, one friend shared a belly button she made for a doll, which she ended up finishing.

Another friend shared the back to a sweater she's making for me, which she will finish.

Another friend --whom I think the world of --shared that he's not feeling great, which is hard for him to do.

These may seem like nothing --might seem like that to the people who shared, but they're really something. They're not nothing at all.

And now, random pictures because I'm not sure how to end a blog post about nothing ...

Egg from Melina

Things my son likes to make

An ink experiment I was going to trash but didn't give up on -it's glowworm trails

What will your nothing be today? Bet it's really something ...


  1. :) Everything you write makes me smile. Or think. I see P is into perler art too. So is C. And M. Big time.

    1. We definitely need to get them together -with some perler beads!
