Monday, August 8, 2016

why art, or answers to michael

My friend, Michael, wrote a blog post (link) at exactly the right time. Or perhaps he posted it at exactly the right time. Who knows? The point is, he wrote something, he posted it, & I read it. It was what I needed to read at that moment. 

To all of you bloggers out there who worry that no one reads you or that no one cares what you have to say, I say this: if only one person---only ONE---reads what you say and it moves them to do something, feel better, ANYTHING, then you have done your job. It can feel a bit like a 'message in a bottle' scenario at times, though.

So, Michael's message in a bottle? He described why he loves making art. I too love making art of different types. Like Michael, I enjoy all sorts of creative pursuits. I've been focusing too much on the HOW lately, though. How do I do this technical thing? How do I find out this information? How many? How much? How? How? How? I was losing track of WHY. Why do it at all? In this life, you have a finite amount of time. Within that lifespan, if you are lucky, you are given choices (not everyone is). Why fill it with the making & appreciation of art? Michael's WHYs can be read on his blog---they are extensive & well considered.

Here are some of my answers to WHY art:

1. Making art helps me make sense of the world. The world is a confusing place.

2. Art reminds me that there is beauty in the world & allows me to concentrate on that.

3. Art provides me models of how to handle the ridiculous & the horrible. 

4. Art touches different modalities. It can be visual, auditory, tactile-kinesthetic, etc. There's something for every mood. If I'm in the mood to listen, music; if I'm in the mood to look, painting or drawing; if I'm in the mood to move, look out!

5. Art provides a way of communicating to other people. I love it when someone else's art touches me, & I love it when my art touches someone else (even if it is only with a touch of indigestion). Art is a collaborative process.

6. Art provides a way to voice my opinions and share things I think I've learned. It allows me to learn from & about others.

7. Art reminds me of what is possible, & in the world of art, all things are possible. It's called world building for a reason.

8. Making art is a process that requires focus on details. Focusing on details is a great way to calm yourself down.

9. Art can be rewarding. Like a magician, you are making something where there was nothing before. When you get close to making something that you envisioned in your brain, there is no better feeling. 

10. Making & appreciating art is a reflective process. It is self-indulgent. This is not a bad thing because life can be pretty demanding. It helps you figure out who you are.

Why do you think art is worthwhile?

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