Thursday, December 28, 2017

in spite of/because

you are loved 
in spite of
your bad attitude --
I suppose I
could put up
with it, since
I love you.
you are loved
in spite of
your likes and
dislikes (they don't
match with mine,
and so you are
not very interesting).
you are loved
in spite of
the way you
won't hold still
and take the 
medicine --it's
meant to help.

you are loved
because of
your bad attitude --
it is part of
who you are,
the questioning, and
I love you.
you are loved
because of
your likes and
dislikes (they don't
match with mine,
and so you are
so very interesting).
you are loved
because of
the way you
won't hold still
and take the 
medicine --that
fierceness, and you
will decide for
yourself in your
own sweet time.

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