Wednesday, March 22, 2017

judge one, judge all

There are many people in my 'categories' I have a lot in common with. There are many people I don't, though. 

Similarly, I have little in common with some people from different 'categories' (think race, gender, age, size, ...). Some of them, I do, though.

If you were to put me in the box of white woman, early 40s, size 6, living in the Pacific Northwest of the US, you would expect me to be a certain way. But I'm not big on boxes.

When bad things happen --and they will, just as good things and neutral things will happen --there may be people attached. Sometimes, it's accidental. Sometimes, it's on purpose. Regardless, the person or people responsible are the ones who are responsible, not the entire group.

Can you see how it happened? Yes. You can usually trace things back, if you're willing to take the time. Can it be prevented? Maybe. Again, if you're willing to take the time.

Blaming entire groups for anything works in the short term because you have closed yourself off from everything: it's hard to get hurt when no one can get near. But that's no way to live, and in the long term, it causes damage.

I prefer to take each person as they come, an amalgamation of parts that makes them uniquely them. Each one has strengths. Each one has challenges. Does this mean I don't consider individuals to be threatening? Sure I do, but it's a case-by-case thing. A label isn't going to be the thing that does it.

I try to judge a person by their actions, how they treat themselves, how they treat me, and how they treat others.

With events today, I certainly judge the man who attacked the Parliament in the UK. I do not judge Men. I do not judge Blacks. I do not judge Muslims. I judge one man who had a chance to do the right thing, and he turned away from that. He's not here to judge anyhow.

Please think before you make judgments about groups based on the actions of a few.

Thoughts with the families of all who were lost and with the injured.  

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